Online Test Çözmenin Adresi
8.Sınıf İngilizce 8.Ünite Test-2
1 / 10
1-dust a-the garbage2-take out b-chores3-household c-the shelves
Choose the correct matching.
2 / 10
We _______ bring necessary materials for the lesson.
3 / 10
A : ___________________________?B : I’m in charge of tidying up my room.
4 / 10
My father _________ taking out the garbage.
5 / 10
Choose the odd one.
6 / 10
7 / 10
8 / 10
The table shows Jack’s to do list.
Which of the following is correct?
9 / 10
1- clean a-the room2-water b-the flowers3-tidy up c-the window
10 / 10
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