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7.Sınıf İngilizce 3.Ünite Test-1
1 / 10
Brad and David ———— from university 2 years ago and they founded a new company. They are very successful right now
2 / 10
My parents lived in Ankara when I was born, so I ——————- there.
3 / 10
My little brother is good at playing chess. He won a(n) ———– last week.
4 / 10
Sam and Mary ————- last summer. They have a good relationship.
5 / 10
6 / 10
My father ——— in 2016. He doesn’t work now.
7 / 10
Which of the following CAN’T be a milestone in one’s life?
8 / 10
Tuğba : I went to the Topkapı Palace last week.Gizem : Really? ————————?Tuğba : It was on Saturday. I called you to invite but you didn’t answer me.
Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
9 / 10
When did Brad Pitt start his acting career?
10 / 10
Christopher Columbus —————– America in 1492.
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